Shopping Mall Pick Up Lines

Shopping Mall Pick Up Lines

Most people shy away from picking up strangers in shopping malls because they worry about how they will react. However, there are a few Shopping Mall pick up lines that can work well in a mall setting. One approach is to say that you have not seen or spoken to the person for a long time and would like to catch up. Another line is to ask the person what they are doing in the mall. If the person seems interested, you can then ask if they would like to go out for a drink later on.

If you’re ever in a mall, be wary of the pickup lines people are using on you! Whether they’re trying to sell you something or just chat you up, be mindful of the following:

-Don’t fall for any cheesy lines!
-Never give personal information away, like your phone number or email address.
-Keep your cool and stay polite. If someone is making you uncomfortable, just walk away.

Shopping Mall Pick Up Lines

Some people are natural born pick up artists. They know exactly what to say and how to make the woman they’re talking to feel comfortable. If you want to be one of those people, here are some shopping mall pickup lines that will help you out!

  1. Let’s go shopping. Clothes are 100% off at my house.
  2. Want to go shopping? Today only there’s a special deal: 30% off on my heart!
  3. Hark! An angel has fallen to grounds.
  4. Did you hear that? They’re playing our future song on the speakers!
  5. Come to Italy; I’ll pay for everything, AND take you shopping.
  6. I’m going to have to get a security guard because you’re trying to steal my heart.
  7. I bet you don’t like drips.
  8. Hey I need a female opinion- what do you think would look better on me, this or this?
  9. Teavana isn’t the only one that gives free samples!
  10. “Hey, you look like you could use a break from shopping. How about we go grab a cup of coffee or something?”
  11. Did you hear that? They’re playing our future song on the speakers!
  12. You’re looking very non-fat these days.
  13. “You look like somebody who would enjoy spending time in a bookstore. Let me take you to my favorite one and show you some of the books they have on sale!”
  14. Just call me your Auntie Anne, because I’d like to make a ‘pretzel’ with you.
  15. “Wow, you must be really busy today. How about I walk with you so that you can avoid getting lost in this huge mall?”
  16. When you’re around, every mall is a sky mall.

Also Read: Beach Pick Up Lines

Trending Shopping Mall Pick Up Lines

  1. I’m going to have to get a security guard because you’re trying to steal my heart.
  2. I’ve got a love story for you: Long black meets flat white.
  3. “You’re beautiful, do you have a card?”
  4. My feelings for you are as tall as this seven-story Macy’s.
  5. The girl we are shopping for has the same body type and height as you!
  6. “Can I ask you for your number?”
  7. Did you hear that? They’re playing our future song on the speakers!
  8. I heard they just opened up a new Lego store. Let’s see if we can’t build something together!
  9. Excuse me ! do you know where’s Victoria’s Secret outlet/shop in mall .. You look like one of their model!
  10. I like my ladies like I like my coffee – a hot shock to the lap.
  11. “I’m the perfect gentleman, can I buy you a drink?”
  12. Want to run up the down escalator with me?
  13. If you need to take it slow, I can cold-brew.
  14. Are you the Godiva store? Because you seem sweet and way too fancy for me.

Also Read: Art Museum Pick Up Lines

Unique Shopping Mall Pick Up Lines

If you’re ever in a mall and need to pick up a package or something, these are some great pickup lines to try:

  1. Excuse me! do you know where’s Victoria’s Secret outlet/shop in a mall .. You look like one of their models!
  2. Hi, you are a very beautiful woman. My name is _____. What is your name?
  3. “I bet you never thought of shopping at the mall this way.”
  4. “Is that for me?”
  5. Hey I need a female opinion- what do you think would look better on me, this or this?
  6. Just call me the guy working at one of those mall kiosks that sells phone cases, because I’m going to try and talk to you for a while whether you need a new phone case or not.
  7. “What’s in the box?”
  8. I had to clean my filter twice after I saw how beautiful you are, because I couldn’t believe my Arabicas.
  9. I heard they just opened up a new Lego store. Let’s see if we can’t build something together!
  10. Your eyes sparkle like someone who has just tried on all the eyeliner at Sephora. Oh, you did? Let’s take these guessing skills to Vegas!
  11. Let’s get breakfast at Tiffany’s! [Leave and then come back] OK, it turns out I misunderstood something. There is no food allowed in Tiffany’s. Also, you’re not allowed in if you’re poor. ‘
  12. I need a female opinion- what do you think would look better on me, this or this?
  13. “You’ve been stealing my heart all day.”
  14. Did you know this mall has a movie theater? I just saw a preview of our life together. Looks pretty good!
  15. I heard they just opened up a new Lego store. Let’s see if we can’t build something together!
  16. I just tossed a penny into the fountain, want to make my wish come true?
  17. You look even cooler than the Apple Store, and with less overt effort.

Also Read: Coffee Pick Up Lines

How to Choose Best Shopping Mall Pick Up Lines

When you’re out and about looking for a shopping mall pick up line, it can be hard to know where to start. But don’t worry, we’re here to help. Here are five tips to get the best pick up line possible:

  • Be Unique: One of the most important things to remember when trying to come up with a good shopping mall pick up line is that you have to be unique. No one will be able to think of a pickup line that’s better than yours, so make sure you come up with something that’s cool and new.
  • Be Funny: Just like you need to be unique when picking a pickup line, you also need to make sure it’s funny. People love laughing, so if your pickup line is funny then you’ll definitely have their attention.
  • Be Cute: Another thing to remember when trying to come up with a good shopping mall pick up line is that you need to be cute. People love being around cute people, so make sure you put all your effort into making yourself look as attractive as possible.
  • Make Eye Contact: One of the most important things when trying to pick up someone is making


No matter how old you get, it’s always fun to hear a pickup line in a shopping mall. Whether you’re trying to make friends or snag someone you fancy, these lines will definitely get the job done! So next time your hormones are raging and all you want to do is buy something, remember: humor is key!

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