Turtle Pick Up Lines

Turtle Pick Up Lines

If you’re looking to start up a conversation with a stranger, try using a turtle pickup line. This type of line is usually short and sweet, and is meant to make the other person laugh. Here are a few examples: “I saw you walking by and I thought you were a really cool turtle!” “You’re as smooth as a turtle’s shell!”

Turtle Pick Up Lines are a popular form of flirting that many people use to try and win over someone they are attracted to. While there are many different variations of Turtle Pick Up Lines, the most common one is to ask someone for help with something, usually because you’re having trouble doing it yourself.

Turtle Pick Up Lines

  1. I’d stick my neck out for you. (Turtle).
  2. I’m not sure, but I think you might be a turtle.
  3. How much does a polar bear weight? Enough to break the ice.
  4. What did the pig say to the turtle? I’m boared.
  5. I’m not sure what that is, but I think I’ll be safe if I stick with you.
  6. Hey baby, show me your feeders and I’ll show you mine.
  7. Because Powder wanted something more original.
  8. What do you call a turtle with 6 feet? A 6-foot turtle.
  9. Can i put a little more sauce into your life?
  10. Are you farm raised or do you have to be wild caught?
  11. Are you a slowpoke?
  12. What do you get if cross a Turtle with a Giraffe? A Turtle-Neck
  13. Do you work here, because you smell of tuna?
  14. What did the cow say to the turtle? Get a moove on.
  15. What do you call a turtle with a hard on? A slow poke.
  16. Wanna create some adorable little hatchings of our own? (Turtle)
  17. What does a turtle do on it’s birthday? It shellebrates!
  18. When you see a turtle, what do you do?

Also Read: Cat Pick Up Lines

Trending Turtle Pick Up Lines

  1. Hey girl, are you a turtle? Because you can choke on my straw.
  2. What kind of jokes do sea turtles tell? Shell-arious ones!
  3. Are you a ninja turtle? Because I think you belong in this manhole.
  4. “I’m not good with words, but if I had to describe you in three words, they would be: soft, silky, and smooth.”
  5. Are you coral reef? Because I’m in love with your beauty.
  6. “You’re beautiful, inside and out.”
  7. What do turtles use to communicate? A shellphone!
  8. Are you a baby bison/baby turtle duck? Cause you cute as hell.
  9. What do you call a famous turtle? A shellebrity.
  10. Are you an octopus? Because you octopi my thoughts.
  11. Why didnt the tortoise cross the road? It got turtled.
  12. What does a turtle need to ride a bike? A shellmet.
  13. I’m large and in charge. Giant, actually. Can you handle it?
  14. “I’ve always wanted to pick up a turtle, but I was always afraid I would get stuck.”
  15. “Are you a slowpoke or a tortoise? Because you’re taking forever to say anything!”
  16. Are you a turtle? Bc i want you to choke on my straw.
  17. You are a turtle, because your reply is too late.
  18. “My favorite color is green, so I can’t help but think of you as a kind of turtle-y shade.”
  19. Damn, your so fine Make me wanna kiss you like a turtle.

Latest Turtle Pick Up Lines

Turtle pick up lines are always a hit with the ladies. They’re simple, cute, and can be used in any situation. Here are some of our favorite lines!

  1. Hey babe, you can ride my shell anytime. or is it lines to pick up turtles?
  2. If you’re a turtle call me a plastic straw cause I want you to choke on me.
  3. Why did the turtle cross the road? To get to the shell station!
  4. What kind of photos does a turtle take? Shellfies.
  5. You look shy. Let me help you come out of your shell—but not too far.
  6. Hey baby, let’s play meiosis. Why don’t you go first and split your legs.
  7. Why couldn’t the ninja turtle cross the road? Because it didn’t have enough turtle power.
  8. Why didnt Shell City have any rules? Because it was turtlely extreme.
  9. Hey girl are you a turtle? Cause I want to put a plastic condom inside you.
  10. That’s the worst pick-up line ever. It’s not even a complete thought… But, it might work on a Ninja Turtle. You never know…
  11. What happens when your kids want to buy a tortoise? You shell out a lot of money.
  12. Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I swim by again?
  13. What is a Leatherback Sea Turtles favorite sandwich? Peanut butter and jellyfish.
  14. What happens when you get into fight with a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle? You get shell shocked.

How to Choose Turtle Pick Up Lines

There’s something about turtles that just makes them irresistible to men. Whether it’s their laid-back attitude or their soft, slimy skin, these creatures have a way of making everyone fall in love with them. So if you’re looking to pick up a man, here are some turtle pick up lines you can use!


Turtle pickup lines can be a fun way to make friends and flirt with someone you may be interested in. However, make sure you know the rules before using them so that you don’t come across as creepy or desperate. If you want to try out a turtle pickup line, here are a few examples to get started:

-“Hey there, slowpoke! How are you doing today?”
-“I bet your shell is really soft under there. Would you let me feel it?”
-Or maybe something more subtle like this: “You look beautiful today — I wish I could paint your portrait!”

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